Choose Your Faverite Sim! This is a competition two of my friends at school had. They had to make a better Sim. Please Email me your choice to
simsdownunder(at)gmail(dot)com. Or leave a comment to this post! Or do the poll to the right of this page. Please do not vote twice! JJ and Vernon DO NOT VOTE!!!!!!! I will announce the winner soon!!!
These are the pictures of entry 1, taken in bodyshop

AND These are entry 2's, taken in game. The sims are named Ping and Pong (Yeh I know weird names, why call a girl Pong?? haha!)
(P.S. The next Episode will probably be either tonight or tommorrow, depending on when the OFFICIAL SIMS 3 INFO IS RELEASED. It should be out soon. OR, I might record half tonight and the University half tommorrow. We shall see...)
Hello my name is..... John..... from Hong kong. I VOTE FOR THE FIRST ONE -SHES EMO! I think you would like to watch Bleach. And not do assignments at the last minute. Cya!
Haha Joel I know thats you, your comment will not be counted Im sorry. NO i will not watch bleach yet, doing my assignment! haha!
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